What Is A Statement of Activities?

Velu’s services address the unique challenges faced by nonprofits and small businesses, fostering sustainable growth. Tyler places great emphasis on meticulous attention to detail in financial record-keeping, implementing efficient systems to ensure transparency and streamline operations. To make this process easier, we recommend that your organization partner with a nonprofit accountant like the experts at Jitasa. Our team will meet you where you are in compiling your statement of activities, analyze your financial data, and make tailored recommendations to improve your revenue and expense allocation going forward. For instance, if your nonprofit has $55,000 in expenses and $65,000 in total revenue, it would appear that your net assets are positive, at $10,000. However, if $15,000 of your revenue is restricted, you’re actually $5,000 in the red and should cut expenses to maintain a sustainable organization.

Examples include rent, utilities, office supplies, salaries of non-program staff, and professional fees. But also, things like programmatic expenses, or the cost of holding events should be included. These payments may have been made with cash, credit, or even through in-kind donations. While the goal of a nonprofit isn’t to turn a profit, if you don’t bring in more than you spend, you won’t be able to survive. And a little “profit” helps build your operating reserves to help you survive a slow-fundraising quarter or unexpected expenses. The expense section reports all cash that flows out of your organization, including pending expenses—those you know you’ve incurred but haven’t spent the money yet, such as payroll for hours worked the previous month.

  1. Wellington Zoo also shares further details for each financial statement to explain who is reporting these facts and how they comply with accepted standards.
  2. Those revenues are to be set aside for particular expenses of the nonprofit.
  3. The Financial Accounting Standards Board also requires nonprofits to report changes in net assets based on the restriction categories of permanently, temporarily, or unrestricted.
  4. The Statement of Activities offers a meticulous account of your nonprofit’s revenues, expenses, gains, and losses over a specific period – often reviewed monthly, quarterly, and/or annually by your Board of Directors.

Organizations share these statements to be entirely transparent with their donors. By sharing what funds they collect and how they’re spent, donors can see how their gifts support the nonprofit’s programs and beneficiaries. The Foundation determined that it could fund its current operating budget for the upcoming year by increasing donations from individuals and businesses. After reviewing its current expenses (including salaries, rent, utilities, and other expenses) the Foundation determined that it could save $2,000 per month by canceling its health insurance policy for staff members. These changes would free up additional funds that could be used to support additional programs or services offered by the Foundation.

What will your CPA look for on your Statement of Activities?

Once the total expenses are subtracted from the total collected revenue, the result is a change in Net Assets. Net assets can be used as a quick measure of the organization’s net income. Since nonprofits operate with the intention of using all profit to fuel their mission, the change in net assets is typically much smaller when compared with a for-profit entity. Nonprofits must file financial statements with the IRS to follow compliance laws, which is not the only reason they should include these activities. Gross receipts are the primary difference between nonprofits and for-profit companies filing a statement of activities.

To learn more about nonprofit accounting check out our nonprofit accounting standards page. Wellington Zoo also shares further details for each financial statement to explain who is reporting these facts and how they comply with https://turbo-tax.org/ accepted standards. The statement also provides a snapshot of your organization’s liquidity and flexibility. Knowing how much cash you have available at any given time is important for maintaining stability in your finances.

What Goes On The Statement Of Activities?

In contrast, natural categories include salaries and benefits, supplies, professional fees, depreciation, and interest, among other operating costs and expenses. A statement of activities is a comprehensive report that provides valuable information about an organization’s finances. It typically includes data on revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets. Columns are included to report data for each class of net assets – without donor restrictions, with donor restrictions, and total. This report is important for nonprofit organizations because it helps them assess their performance and identify areas where they need to improve.

Many nonprofits are required to submit their statement of activities to the IRS, and some nonprofits choose to make their statement of activities available to the public on their website. Save the Children adds these financial statements and a letter from the independent auditor when providing financial reports. The following 3 nonprofits have included financial statements in different ways.

The fundraising efforts are the major source of funding for a non-profit’s programs. The donors want to know how much of their contribution is being used towards programs. The expenses nonprofit statement of activities that are included in programs are anything directly related to providing their services. This includes any staff and a portion of the supervisory staff, as well as any related costs.

Statement of cash flows.

The last of the four essential financial statements, the statement of functional expenses, is unique to nonprofits. In most accounting systems, expenditures are typically recorded as natural expenses, which are based on the nature of the payment. Most for-profit organizations stop there, but nonprofits have to go one step further and reorganize their costs based on their function in furthering the organization’s mission, which are known as functional expenses. A statement of financial activities template is an essential resource for any nonprofit organization. It provides a clear and organized way to present financial information, including revenues, expenses, and net change in financial position, by class, location, and project.

When do nonprofits need a Statement of Activities?

Providing this report to the public on the website or annual report can give transparency and instill trust. Nonprofits need a Statement of Activities to show how they can afford program and fundraising activities. This report also shares how things can be improved by increasing revenue and decreasing costs. This article will discuss what a statement of activities entails and why nonprofits need them. All of the vital accounting statements that you pull together to draw conclusions from are pulled from your nonprofit chart of accounts. Edited by CPAs for CPAs, it aims to provide accounting and other financial professionals with the information and analysis they need to succeed in today’s business environment.

The surplus or deficit shown in the Statement of Activities represents the change in your nonprofit’s net assets over the specified period. A surplus indicates that your revenues exceeded your expenses, resulting in an increase in net assets, while a deficit implies that your expenses were higher than your revenues, leading to a decrease in net assets. Because all of the information that goes into the four major nonprofit financial statements should already be stored in your accounting software, there are two main ways to compile these reports. First, you could have someone at your organization pull the data you need and format it using one of the many financial statement templates available online. However, this method takes a lot of time and effort, especially when it comes to ensuring the templates are structured in a way that aligns with your nonprofit’s financial situation.

For some charitable nonprofits it may be appropriate that their codes incorporate standards already adopted by certain professional groups. Whatever the nomenclature, crafting (and revisiting periodically) a written document that articulates the core beliefs of the charitable nonprofit can be useful for practical as well as ethical reasons. Temporarily restricted profits might have a restriction on them for a given time period. Once that time period lapses or the purpose of the funds is fulfilled, those funds can be used for something else. This is no longer relevant, but it might be useful in looking at historical nonprofit statement of activities.

And be the trusted financial partner you can turn to for answers to your questions and expert financial advice. Donorbox is an all-in-one online fundraising platform with simple-to-use and affordable features such as Recurring Donations, Crowdfunding, Peer-to-Peer, Events, Memberships, Text-to-Give, Donor Management, and more. Nonprofits use this report to file Form 990 with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). For bookkeeping and accounting support beyond these templates, get in touch with the Jitasa team.

If you’re looking to understand how your nonprofit is spending its money, the statement of activities is a valuable resource. It breaks down each type of spending into specific details, such as credit card payments and employee salaries. This information can help you identify potential problems early on and solve them before they become larger financial issues. By understanding how much money an organization has available and where the money is being spent, nonprofits can make informed decisions about their mission, operations, and future. Expenses are reported in categories that identify specific functional areas, such as mission based programs, and support services including management and general and fundraising.

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